How to Get More Views on YouTube

So you’ve got a YouTube channel, but the views? Not quite where you want them. Let me guess, you’re putting in the hours, crafting killer video content, but still not seeing that boost in YouTube views, right? Don’t stress, you're in the right place.

Here’s the thing, getting more YouTube views isn't just about posting more videos and praying they go viral. It's more about understanding what works and how you can tap into it. I’ll break it down for you, step by step, mistake by mistake, as I made them too. So, let’s talk!

Nail Your Video Content

First off, it's all about your content. YouTube viewers don’t just stumble onto your videos, they search for something. Are you giving them what they’re looking for? If you want to boost YouTube views, you need to get real with your content.

  • Start with something relatable. People wanna watch videos they feel connected to. Nobody wants to hear a lecture, they wanna feel like they're chatting with a friend.
  • Thumbnail & Title game strong. Before your content even starts, people judge your video based on how it looks in the search results. That tiny image and a few words in the title? That's your hook. Make it catchy but real.
  • Be consistent but not boring. No need to push out videos every day if the quality’s gonna drop. It's a balance, a rhythm, ya know?

Don’t Just Talk, Show

Look, YouTube isn’t a blog, it’s video. People wanna see stuff, not just hear it. Visual storytelling matters, even if you’re just talking into the camera. Add some B-roll or clips that show what you’re talking about. Throw in some text overlays to make your point stick. Keep it engaging, and give people a reason to stick around and watch till the end. You’d be surprised how much a 10-second visual break can stop someone from clicking away.

Push for Subscribers (but not in a cringe way)

Subscribers aren’t just for show, they’re your loyal army, your regulars. They’re the ones who'll keep coming back for more. And more views = better ranking. But here’s the deal, don’t beg for subscribers. It feels desperate, and YouTube users can sniff that out. Instead, throw in a call to action that makes sense. Like:

  • “If this helped you, hit subscribe so you don’t miss the next one”
  • Or maybe something like, “Join the crew, and let's grow together!”

Your subscribers will also hit the notification bell so they know when you post something new. More eyeballs on your vids = business growth if you’re a content creator hustling for brand deals or trying to build a company.

Leverage Other Socials

Don't keep all your eggs in the YouTube basket. Share your videos on every platform you’re on. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, wherever. You can even chop up your longer videos into smaller bits to tease people into watching the full thing on YouTube. That’ll boost YouTube views in no time.

And don't forget YouTube Shorts. With YouTube trying to compete with TikTok, Shorts are a great way to grab attention and boost overall views on your channel.

Collab with Other YouTubers

One thing that works like magic? Collaborating with other YouTubers. Whether it’s someone bigger than you or on the same level, collaborations introduce your content to a whole new audience. Plus, you get to cross-promote each other’s channels, doubling the chances of both gaining subscribers.

Keywords: Not Just for Google

You thought SEO was just for websites? Nope. YouTube is its own search engine, and keywords matter here too. When you're trying to boost views, make sure you're using words and phrases people actually type in the search bar. Drop those keywords in your:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags

This helps YouTube understand what your video’s about and who should see it.

Keep Them Hooked with Playlists

Here’s a little-known trick: create playlists of your content. Playlists keep people watching longer, and longer watch time means YouTube will push your videos to more people. Also, it's a great way to organize your content if you're covering similar topics. If someone enjoys one video, the playlist will automatically serve up another, which boosts your views without you even trying!

So, what now? It’s time to put these tips to the test. Boosting YouTube views isn’t an overnight thing, but with the right strategy and some patience, you’re going to start seeing those numbers climb.

Get out there, keep creating, and before you know it, you'll be growing both your views and your business.